Martin J. Dougherty
Top 50 Tanks Hardcover Book
کتاب ۵۰ تانک برتر
سايز : ۳۰ سانت * ۲۴ سانت.
تعداد صفحات : ۲۰۸ صفحه ى فوتوگلاسه ى رنگى ، بسيار با كيفيت.
انتشارات : Chartwell Books 2017
هارد کاور : جلد سخت.
وزن : حدود ۱/۵ کیلوگرم.
Product Description
Counting from 50 down to the very best all-time tank at number 1, Top 50 Tanks features the greatest armoured fighting vehicles from World War I to the present day. The book includes tanks from every era, from the Mark V Male that assaulted the German trenches at Cambrai in 1917, through the feared German King Tiger of World War II, as well as including some of the most highly sophisticated tanks that have seen recent service in wars in the Caucasus, Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. From the Soviet KV-1 and German Panther tanks of World War II to the M1A2 Abrams, Merkava and T-14 Armata tanks of the present day, Top 50 Tanks is a colourful guide to the most successful and effective tanks of the past hundred years. Each entry is covered over four pages, including a brief description of the tank’s development and history, colour artworks showing various views and models, a photograph and a selective specifications table. Packed with 300 full-colour artworks and photographs, Top 50 Tanks is a fun and popular guide to the greatest tanks of all time to see combat from 1917 to the present.